Va.b.c Include the name of your LAVAcr submission, as well as the version number. When versioning a submission, use the format Va.b.c, where the values represent the following: * a is the major release number - use it when releasing your first stable version, and when the functionality of the submission changes significantly. * b is the incremental minor revision number - use it when fixing bugs and/or upgrading minor functionality * c is the build number - use it when creating new builds. Copyright © 2006, All rights reserved. Put your real name here for the copyright to apply. Author: You want people to know that the submission's yours, don't you? You also need to include a means of contact for support and improvements. Although we encourage everyone to discuss the code here in the LAVAcr, users (especially those outside of LAVA) may still need to get in contact with the author directly. Distribution: This code was downloaded from the LAVA Code Repository: We've got to have our own little advertisment here - to give users and idea on where to get support and to help grow our community! Description: Enter the same description here as in your upload page description. Feel free to add subsections including Instructions, Features, etc. Dependancies: List any components that the submission requires that you haven't included. Normally, you will include third party components, but for common components, please include their titles and where they are available from. For example: list all OpenG libraries and their dependancies, as well as a link to the OpenG webpage. Support: If you have any problems with this code or want to suggest features: The above link will be available after your submission has been approved. After you get this link, come back, edit this file and resubmit with the updated link. Change Log: 1.0.1: Fixed U32 to U16 implicit conversion bug 1.0.0: Initial release of the code. It's important to keep track of how the submission has changed over time to assist users with configuration control. License: The licensing of submissions is one of the most important facets of code here on the LAVAcr - it's your code, so you retain control over the license of it. As your code may be passed on to someone who didn't get it directly from the LAVAcr, the license details must travel with it - that's what this section is for.