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Posts posted by crelf

  1. If you know any UTS alumni that might be a good candidate for the International Alumni Award, then I'm sure they're apprecaite you nominating them here... Maybe someone you know who, oh, I don't know, graduated their physics degree in 1995? Someone who is one of the administrators of the largest independant LabVIEW community in the world? Know anyone like that?

  2. How is your network usage during hte buld? When I'm building something for the first time on a PC is hasn't been built on before, sometimes LV needs to copy across a bunch of stuff from our respository of NI installers (on a network drive) and it can take a loooong time (hint: make sure you cache your installers on first build :) ).

    Edit: wait, that's for installer builds, not executable build. Carry on.

  3. truchard.jpg

    Truchard Vineyards is donating a bottle of their highly coveted Truchard Pinot Noir, signed by Dr. T:


    Is there anything that man can't do? Well, yes, because Truchard Vineyards is actually owned by Dr. T's brother - but we hear it's one hell of a drop. Maybe this prize should be taken off the door prize list, and added to the crelf drinking list...

    Thanks to Truchard Vineyards and National Instruments. for continuing to support the LabVIEW community! :thumbup1:

  4. I speak French and I just got my ticket.

    Puis-je avoir un pain au chocolat s'il vous plaît?

    how does everyone usually dress - like you are going to work or jeans/t shirt?

    Aren't they the same thing? :)

    Crap - what am I getting myself into???


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