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  1. Zhrani

    SCXI Question

    Hi, everyone I have an SCXI-1600 in a SCXI-1000 Chassis. I am using two modules SCXI-1125 connected to SCXI-1327 and LabVIEW 8, when I measure sinusoidal waveform that I'll take it from function generator (sine wave with 10V peak to peak and 100Hz frequency) I see the measured signal in LabVIEW with 5V shifted up ????? I don’t know why …!!!! , I put the acquisition mode continues and deferential input ….. Could anyone help me in this problem?
  2. Zhrani

    SCXI Question

    Hi, everyone
  3. Zhrani

    New Member

    Hey all, My name is Zhrani, I'm Electronics Engineer and I actually work in a Field of Measurements and control, I am good programmer in assembly language for microcontrollers I am pretty new in LabVIEW, I'd like to learn more about the G language by lab view
  4. could any one helllllp me for this problem
  5. hfettig Thank you too much Could you give me an example If you don’t mind Eugen ,,, How???????
  6. Hello, does anybody know if it is possible to plot more than one signal in one graph (with different y-axis scale) Zhrani
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