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    LabVIEW 2024
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  1. Hi. I was doing something similar and thought I'd share my findings here. I wanted to connect Arduino Uno to Raspberry Pi (RPi) with USB cable and use Labview VI deployed locally on RPi to control them both. First problem was getting Labview to communicate with RPi. I was using RPi OS (32-bit) Bookworm 2024-07-04 and Labview Community Edition 32-bit Q1/2014. Labview Tools/Hobbyist/target configuration should be able to make the connection but I never got it working like here: LabVIEW LINX and Raspberry Pi. (by the way both RPi OS and Labview need to be 32-bit since Hobbyist is only available in 32-bit Labview Community edition). The only solution that worked for me was to install RPi OS image with Labview preinstalled and using a specific Labview version (I used Q1/2023). See here: Installing an image with LabVIEW pre installed · LVMakerHub/LINX Wiki · GitHub. With Labview Q1/2023 now communicating with RPi (OS Raspbian Lite, Bullseye, 2022-09-22) the next problem was to get Labview VI to read sensor data from both RPi and Arduino. I'm quite new to Labview so maybe it was lack of skill but did not get it working. A workaround was to have python code on RPi running continuously saving data from Arduino serial port to a text file on RPi SD card and have Labview read the data from there. This way Labview only needed to communicate with RPi. At this point I was remotely connected to RPi with Win10 PC which had Labview installed and using the VI from there. But I really wanted Labview to run on its own locally on RPi which according to the first link in this post should be possible. And I did get the VI running on RPi but the problem was that Labview front panel is not supported i.e. I could not interact with the VI on RPi using for example a small touchscreen. The VI simply runs locally on RPi but no way to interact with it. I also tried the TSXperts demo way but it failed due to Arduino compatible compiler not recognizing the Arduino IDE I had installed (v. 2.3.2). Looks like Arduino compatible compiler was last updated in 2016 so I suspect it would need some modifications to work with newer Arduino IDE. I did not really understand from their demo how the VI was running on RPI since the compiler loads the VI to Arduino and not RPI. Anyway, I did not get that far to even try it. If anyone knows how to run Labview VI locally on Raspberry Pi with front panel visible (like in TSXperts demo) I would be interested to hear it.
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