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  1. That's exactly situation overlay and type of indicators used ! But why? Is that known bug?
  2. asbo - you are right there are two ActiveX automation calls. update: So it turns out ( so far ) that problem was with couple of data indicators on the front panel. As soon as I removed them problem went away. There wasn't anything special about those indicators, they were around some dials on the tabbed panel. Not sure how/why that would influence strange window behavior, but it did....
  3. Hi all, I have a situation where UI window for application built with LV2009, takes a long time to move - i.e simple operation to reposition UI window on the monitor takes upwards of 2 seconds, and slows whole machine down during that time (Windows XP Pro Pl Dual Celeron as well as on Win7). Any ideas? (my guess is that it might have to do something with hardware acceleration for display....just a wild guess). Code doesn't do anything really fancy. Only thing I can think of is that Google Earth is called via ActiveX - it gets ref. from Automation Open, and eventually displays Google Earths "map" inside LV using IWebBrowser.... Thanks!
  4. Thank You !
  5. Hi all, would someone be so kind to convert attached vis (zipped folder) to LV 8.5 so that I can look at them. I believe that they were created with LV 8.6 ( but not 100% sure) test_vis.zip
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