@LogMAN Thanks for the example - was able to get it working! Yes looks like when updating the DLL only way for me to make it work was to shutdown Labview, restart and then add the DLL again otherwise it appeared to somehow get the stale copy.
I am creating a .net DLL for a customer who will be using it in labview
The method signature that I would like is
int RequestData(ref myStruct[] data1)
The customer who might not be very familiar with .net dll's is unable to figure out a way to invoke this...
so I have been trying to figure it out using the labview community edition.
Step 1 was to just see if I could pass a "ref" struct back to Labview... and here's my dll code for that and the labview sketch...
using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Linq;
using System.Text;
namespace clusterPassing
public struct myStruct
public string myStr;
public int myInt;
public class myClass
public int myMethod( ref myStruct data1)
data1.myInt = 21;
data1.myStr = "test string";
return data1.myInt;
The labview sketch is attached
In the dll code if I change the input to myStruct data1 (without the ref) I am able to invoke it but once I make it ref (as shown in the code) I get an error - 1316
Question: Is there a way to allow for labview to exchange a struct and get the value back from the .net method? I have been reading up on clusters in labview but am not sure if this is possible yet...