Rolf, Thanks a bunch for your response. The honest answer is that professionally i have done very little with CIN nodes. But this project may change that.
Most of my vendors provide me with LabVIEW drivers . In some cases i am using instrument that has well defined TCP protocol that can be verified using bus sniffing tools.
Your point #1 is a valid one. But I can use VLC media player and watch the RTSP stream on it while opening the customer provided demo software that let's me watch the stream on another window simultaneously while manipulating the PTZ commands to the unit. So i am hoping it will not be a problem.
I respect your #2. But in T&M career i have done enough reverse engineering that this part doesn't scare me, provided the reward for successfully completing is significant enough to justify the effort.🤑.
At this point i am leaning towards creating enough API calls (via CIN nodes) that will allow me to control PTZ while VLC media player is displaying and possibly recording the stream to HDD.
If interested i would like to share the progress. Thanks again for reviewing the DLL and posting your comment.