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Joel Foster

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    LabVIEW 2022
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  1. I see. I didn't take enough time to understand your final point. It appears that the output array is populated based on the non-zero rank elements in the array size. However, why is the array *growing* under the hood? This is what is really causing me grief...I expect the rank to grow, just not the size of the underlying array. I would naively expect the number of elements in each dimension to remain zero unless explicitly populated.
  2. Additionally, I would argue that the Array Size function should return an element for each rank of the array, but for an empty array, these should all be zero...as they are for the Concatenate example.
  3. Case 1: Concatenate Build - works as expected (output is always empty) Case 2: Append Build - works as expected (output is always empty) Case 3: Build Array - unexpected output, non-empty output array The change in size that you pointed out @crossrulz helped me understand why the For Loop was executing under these circumstances (I think)--Thank you; that was really bothering me--but I still don't understand why building an empty array after transposing results in a non-empty array--I can chain build-array functions all day without getting this behavior. Thanks, Joel
  4. Unexpected Behavior #2: For Loop executes on 'Empty' Array Labview-array-bug2.vi
  5. Has anyone ever seen this behavior before? Build-Transpose-Build sequence resulted in a non-empty array. This appears to be infinitely extendable (i.e. adding more transposes and builds increases the size of the 'Empty' output array) - Joel
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