Thanks to hooovahh for posting information before I could get to it. Most of you already know me but for those of you who don't, you can always reach out to me directly if you have questions or concerns about LabVIEW.
As he stated, the 2018SP1 installer was not complete and wasn't supposed to go live online when it did. Our apologies to everyone who downloaded it and found it to be incomplete. The issue with the installer has been fixed and we will release the finished product/installers soon. My personal apologies that our installers were so eager to get out the door and into your hands that they didn't wait for all of the final testing to be complete.
When we do our next get together at the CLA conference, LV Champions call, NIWeek, or other LabVIEW-related event, feel free to come find me and let me know how we can best improve LabVIEW to help you.