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Posts posted by H_H_H

  1. QUOTE(TobyD @ Jan 11 2008, 04:57 PM)

    This is a cross post from here and here and here ... I could go on.

    You could do something like this to get your data into a useable format (assumes a CSV data file - you can change the delimeter as needed):

    http://lavag.org/old_files/monthly_01_2008/post-8758-1200088160.jpg' target="_blank">post-8758-1200088160.jpg?width=400

    That should get you started. Once you have the data in numeric format the rest is pretty simple math. The parser VI in the example above can be built using functions from the string functions pallette. If you need more help post back here and include what you have so far.


    Thanks a lot. I am still trying to figure out how to parse the time string into seconds. I tried using the scan a value (from the string palatte) and then sending into Date/Time to seconds block, but no successful. I will keep trying. Thanks again.

  2. Hi,

    I am new to Labview. So, if someone could please help me out - I would greatly appreciate it. I have a spreadsheet with timestamp and temp as the two columns. Lets say I have the following data:

    TimeStamp Temp

    11:00:00 3

    11:00:02 2.9

    11:00:05 2.7

    11:00:08 3.1

    11:00:15 3.2

    11:00:21 3

    I have to read the the timestamp and temp separately. For default, the first output will be 3 for the temp. The next step is to calculate the time difference between consecutive timestamps - where I have to use that difference as the delay for the next temp update that needs to be sent (which is 2.9) - so the difference between the first two timestamps is 2 sec. After 2 secs I have to send 2.9. Then again, the difference between 2nd and 3rd timestamp is 3 sec, so wait for 3 sec and send 2.7 and so on. I am trying to work this out in labview, since I am new, I find this very hard. Could someone please help me out? Thank you very much. Last of all, I am using Labview 6.1. So, I cannot open the newer version files - so a screenshot would help. Please help.... and thank you.

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