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Everything posted by Raquel

  1. QUOTE(Tim_S @ Jan 22 2008, 01:02 PM) Hello everyone. I am doing a project in which I have to measure and write the temperature from to diferent places with thermistors. I am using as software LabView 7.1 and as hardware a data aquisition system NI DAQPad-6016. The thermistors that I am using can measure temperatures from 0 to 100ºC and they are PTC tipe. I have done the v.i for my project and I can measure and write the temperatures, however the values which it apears in the file are negative temperatures, and I know that the temperature in those two difrent places are between 5 and 20ºC. Since I am a Labview Beginner I would like to ask the following questions: 1 - When I choose the thermistors as the equipemnt which is connected with the NI DAQPad-6016, it apears two tipes of Thermistors: iex thermistor or vex thermistor. what is the diference between them and which should I choose? 2 - Despite that, I have to write values for the A, B and C constants. Do you know how can I calculate them? 3 - And what is iex value that it ask for? 4 - finally but not least I have also the Labview 8.2 student edition. Should I be using this one in steed the labview 7.1? I hope that you can help me. Best regards Raquel
  2. Hello everyone, I am trying to read temperatures from thermistors with labview. however I can not read the right temperatures since I know that the real tempertures are about 10ºC and 30ºC, and labview is reading negative tempertures! can anyone tell what can I be doing wrong? Thanks Raquel
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