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Jake of All Trades

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Posts posted by Jake of All Trades

  1. Hello! I'm rather new to all this (and programming in general, really), so please bear with me. What I want to do is to make the simple gauges in LabView look more like, well, this: gauge.jpg

    Now I have the image files (needle and background) I want to use, but I can't for the life of me figure out how to assign them to a working indicator. I'd actually just be happy changing the needle to my own, but that's what has me flummoxed. When I substitute my needle in (png) in the "customization" panel, it orbits around the gauge instead of rotating about its center. Searching this forum lead me to believe that this is an inherent flaw in the software, but the remedies for it were way over my head. I keep hearing "use XControl", but I have no idea where to start with that... Would anyone be so kind as to give me a bit of a step-by-step? Again, to simplify, I really just want to replace that ugly red triangle than the gauges use as pointers with my own image. Thank you all so much, and my apologies for being such a green-horn!

    PS: Oh, and here is my needle design if you're interested:


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