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  1. hi to all, thanks for all of your answers. After trying more and more I decided to give the manufactorer a call and they told me, that they have more documents about it So the connection is a UDP/IP and the ports are already defined. Now I think it shouldnt be a problem (hopefully) to implement this.
  2. hi, i need to communicate with an external device (not a PC, but with an ethernet connector). The manual only tells me the instructions i can send, but they dont mention any Protocol or, in case of TCP, a port. I programmed a Labview-program with the TCP/IP functions, which works well between different PCs, but not with my external device ( I only have an IP-number) Could it be, that my device only uses the IP-Protocol and how can I program a IP-connection in Labview. All i found are TCP/IP or UDP/IP Connections. Thanks a lot for everyones help Andy
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