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  1. Frank

    Easter Eggs

    This is probably not an easter egg, it is more like a poorly worded error message. Once when working on a tricky vi, I inserted a dialog box with the words "Oh Sh*t" -without the * - in a case that was never supposed to execute. Several years later after making a minor change in the software, my customer called me and said "Your program said Oh Sh*t". It worked out OK, but I am more careful about things like that in my software.
  2. It occurred to me that we might be walking away from profits by not offering service contracts Do any of you offer service contracts on your programs? What kind of terms do you offer? How much do you charge and what services do you provide? Do you charge per computer that the program is on? Can you recommend any good books on the topic? I'd also like to hear from end users who buy service contracts on programs. What services are most useful to you? What do you typically pay?
  3. I would be interested. :thumbup:
  4. I give them the source code and executables and they can use it any way they choose. There is a clause in the terms and conditions of my contract that says: Upon full payment by customer, program, source code (if included) and any associated files created by programmer become the property of customer. However, programmer may reuse program code in other projects or create similar projects in the future for third parties. Programmer will provide the needed files on a CD Rom disk.
  5. I heard NI has released labview 7.1 and was wondering if anyone has gotten thier copy yet? I have the developer suite and the SSP.
  6. In text based languages like c it is possible to comment out code so that it does not execute. This would be a box on the block diagram, like a case structure that code could be placed inside and it would not execute or compile. A program would run if broken code were inside the comment box and operations like control B would not affect it. Code could be cut and pasted to and from the comment box. It would be different from a case structure in that broken code inside the comment box would not prevent the program from running.
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