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  1. QUOTE (reem @ Apr 17 2008, 09:57 PM) Our project is on Temporomandibular (Jaw) disorders. So we're measuring the signals from the muscles that control the jaw. We've made our own amplier to amplifiy the signals from the electrodes so my labview program just records data from 6 channels from the amplifer through one of the DAQ cards. It just so happens we tried putting the electrodes in the right places to measure the ECG signal and it seems to work. Some on else in my university is looking at heart sounds and needs to have the ECG signals recorded at the same time as the siganls from the stethescopes so i was interested in producing some thing that could look at the ecg siganls as well. Im using a MOTU traveller (glorified sound card) instead for this for collecting the data on to the computer. Most of our filtering is done in matlab after we've recorded the signals for the emg system QUOTE (sachsm @ Apr 13 2008, 08:01 PM) Here are a couple of links to get you started. Also you might try to implement the standard Pan-Tomkins QRS detector which is described in the attached PDF written by Monnie Anderson from NI.Download File:post-162-1208116855.pdf Mike Sachs www.viScience.com Thank you for your help. the articles and links have been very useful. Ceri
  2. Hi all There seems to be a number of people around doing a bit with ECG. I know its a bit cheeky but i was wondering if any one had made a vi that can at least do beats per minuite. I dont really want to reinvent the wheel If various people have different components for ECG analysis it would be good to put them all together. I know people have used a peak detector before and then record the number of peaks over a certain period of time. I currently have a system that is recording EMG signals from facial muscles which can also be used for recording ECG waveforms as im currently doing research. Ceri
  3. Ive sorted it
  4. Hi I am using the aquire sound block to record sounds from a sound card. One works ok but if i put 2 aquire sound blocks in the same vi it doiesnt like it. it just comes up with "A task must be running to perform this operation" Ceri
  5. QUOTE(crelf @ Mar 3 2008, 03:04 PM) hahaha cant believe i didnt see that. Pretty obvioous. Cheers for your help. Much appreciated Cheers
  6. How do i change the font size in an individual text box. Its probably very easy but i havent found out how to do it yet. Cheers Ceri
  7. I have made a matlab script in a labview VI which works fine. What i want to do next is call a function (held in another file) ive made from my matlab script in labview. I think its a case of knowing where to put the function file. As other wise matlab will not know where the function file is held. Any help on how to do this? Ceri
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