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Everything posted by dasrobie

  1. QUOTE (crelf @ Mar 12 2008, 06:24 PM) I am referring to COM ActiveX control...
  2. Thanks a lot. Hi! The 16751A can operate in a 16700 or 16900 series frame. <LI class=MsoNormal style="COLOR: navy; mso-list: l1 level1 lfo3">If the module is installed in a 16900 series frame, the system software can be downloaded from www.agilent.com/find/la-sw-download The system software contains the support for the modules. If the module is installed in a 16700 series frame, you can go to the following site to request a CD with the 16700 series system software. if you need a newer Logic Analyzer series module with faster state/timing speeds, differential support, etc you should go with the 16900 series Hope this helps If not please let me know Thanks and regards Niki Haines.
  3. Hello friends, I am working on a automation project on test chip validation.Here the validation test bed uses an Agilent 16700 Logic analyzer setup which is currently operated manually.The logic analyzer setup runs on a firmware developed by agilent itself.Its operations are to be automated through RPI Remote Programing Interface. I contacted Agilent guys regarding the device and they suggested me to use COM automation and Agilent IntuiLink Connectivity Software to automate the operation of the device.I have accomplised the basic functions through COM automation like loading a file in the device etc. Then in the next step i need to load a file into Pattern Gen module which is inbulit into one of the slot of the 16700 LAPG setup.I have written the code but its showing Error--2146959355. This error code doesnot have any explanation attached to it either.I am attaching the vi.Can any one please help me out to solve the issue.It will be a great help from your side. Thanking YouRobie
  4. Friends any one of you have worked with this device--Agilent--16700.I have been told by Agilent guys that i need to use intuilink COM for controlling the device remotely from a host PC.Has any one of done remote controlling of the device through COM.Can you please send some example Vi for my reference. Looking forward to get some valuable suggestion.
  5. No my frend.I have tried searching through NI Driver network.but its not available there.Its a logic analyzer module.If any one of u guys have used it plz send me the drivers.It will be a great help.
  6. Friends I am using SynaptiCAD tool to generate some BIT patterns.I want to automate the operations of that tool.I tried using ActiveX control in labview to interface synaptiCAD but could not fint it in Active X control.Can any one sugget me how to get an applications GUI in labview.Weather is it possible to use other tools GUI in labview?? :headbang:
  7. Friends has any one of you guys worked with Agilent 16751A logic analyzer module.I am unable to find the drivers for the device.Can you guys provide the drivers for this device.
  8. Frends I am new to LAVA forum.I am working on a project with labview where the project requirement is automation of a testing environment. Basically its a testchip testing bed automation where some digital intruments are used like patern Generator and logic analyzer etc. At first i need to operate SynaptiCAD tool to generate some bit patterns which will be fed to the logic analyser.Initial requirement is as follows. Open the SynaptiCAD generated .vcd file with “syncad” tool. Open DFT template file 2 (dft_2.btim) with “syncad” tool. Don’t alter dft_1.btim file as all the signals in the file are in proper sequence. Copy all the JTAG signals from the CAD generated .vcd file (already open with syncad tool) and paste it in the dft_2.btim open in syncad tool. The JTAG signals may appear in a random manner at the last. Select them in the same sequence as the JTAG signals already present in the dft_2.btim file and then drag them just below the JTAG signals already present in the dft_2.btim file. The pasted JTAG signals must now be displayed in the same sequence as the JTAG signals already present in the dft_2.btim file. The sequence is important as it affects the mapping of the LAPG pods. All the above mentioned steps are to be automated through labview.I am finding problem at the inmitial starting phase where i need to control the third party software through labview.Can any one plz suggest something.Has any one worked earlier with this tool.Need some help from you guys. Robie
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