after one year working with labview I will give a report about my work. I didn't wrote much in this forum, but read in it almost every day.
One year ago I got a new job a so I also got a new task: Programming LabView.
The project was/is to write a programm for a parametic tester for semiconductor memory devices.
The part list for was:
1*Keithley 7001 Switch
1*Agilent 81110 Puls Generator
1*Keithley 2612
Labview, PC, and a manual prober (Suess), cable, GPIB card.
I started programming on Labview 8.2.1 then 8.5 (both in german) now I am at 8.5.1 (english version). I think the english version is best because it has less bugs (heard so) and all the help is for the english version.
I had much fun with most of the parts on my list. I will start with the GPIB-card:
When I started the project the GPIB-card was already bought, it was a Keithley KPCI-488LP. It is cheaper then the NI-cards, but I had much fun with the driver. At the end I formated the harddisk and started with a brand new system. For this card you need the NI-VISA driver and the Keithley card driver. As long as you only use VISA commands it works. I not shure what went wrong the first Time I inastalled the card but on the new system it works.
We also have Agilent GPIB-cards (many, my co-worker is a fan ) for this you need the Agilent Visa (is in the agilent driver-suite) and not the NI-VISA.
I also tried a NI card...nothing to say to this, it works.
The counclusion: If you like to have big trouble, don't bye NI.
End of the first part. LabView works, GPIB works.
Hope it will be intersting to read about my story. The next part (I need more posts) will be about the communication between the computer and the Keithely 2612.