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Everything posted by horatius

  1. OS: Labview 8.5 and Windows XP I use the DAQ PCI 6713 card but have a problem concerning the generation of a continous analog voltage sequence (specified by a user defined array). The process should be independent from OS therefore I select internal clock and onboard buffer. Look in picture 1! I always get the error message that the buffer is too small. Error -200609 occured at DAQmx Write (Analog DBL 1Chan 1Samp).vi:1 Possible reason(s): Measurements: Generation cannot be started, because the selected buffer is too small. Increase the buffer size. Selected buffer size:1 Minimum required Buffer Size:2 Then I try to increase the buffer size and I get another error message (picture 2): Error -200479 occurred at DAQmx Start Task.vi:1 Possible reason(s): Measurements: Specified operation cannot be performed while the task is running. What do I have to do, that the process works as I wantl? Why can't it be more intuitive? Frank
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