I discovered a bug yesterday. I hope it hasn't been reported before - I did a search here on LAVA, but couldn't find any similar...
I'm not sure if it's only related to LV8, but my guess is that it also affects all other versions where it is possible to recall the VI's path via the VI Property node.
If you have one Main.vi which is located in C:\temp\
and one SubVI.vi which is located in C:\temp\SubVI\, where the SubVI.vi is used inside the Main.vi, both pathes of these two VIs will tell the truth - the pathes will be as mentioned here.
However, if you now change the name of the folder 'SubVI', located in C:\temp\ to instead be 'subvi', and check the pathes with VI property node, the pathes has not changed.
So what is the problem?
On a Windows system the pathes are case insensitive, but if your using ClearCase of may be running Mac OS X or UNIX, pathes are case sensitive, AFAIK.
If you would like to test this yourself, you have to always open the Main.vi - NOT the SubVI.vi, because if you open the SubVI.vi before the Main.vi the 'bug' doesn't exist. You should also close LabVIEW inbetween the initial verification and the second test.
This has been reported to NI.