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Everything posted by grizzzly

  1. final version
  2. updated version, file is saved every 0.1 seconds.
  3. .
  4. ...
  5. Thank you! This is exactly I want to do, maybe I just sometimes not write it exactly because of my english .... I will try this that you posted here, thanks . QUOTE (dblk22vball @ Dec 9 2008, 08:44 PM)
  6. Hi guys, I found VI that is probably the best for I want to do , it is GET XY VALUE , can somebody please post a VI with exemple how to use it ? and writes these x and y to txt file? I dont know how to do it, I am newbie thanks , I am doing it like this
  7. Hi thanks for your post, I will try that get waweform component ... But I would like to have in that file not date... but time of simulation..for exemple: 0.1 value( in 0.1 s of simulation) . And these files I am reading in matlab and I would like to build graph from that values so I need time and function value in that time QUOTE (dblk22vball @ Dec 8 2008, 04:27 PM)
  8. Hello I need to write my signal to TXT file - in one column should be time and in other value ... Every values can rewrite that txt file. I am able to do this m but I have only function value in that file I am not able to write time, How to do this? thanks guys
  9. Hello I would like write values that are shown in waweform graph-dynamic data to spreadsheet file. I Attach Vi that I did, I wrote that to measurement file and I need something like that but to TXT file,how could I do that? Thank you
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