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Tyler Shogren

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Everything posted by Tyler Shogren

  1. Hi, I'm currently modifying a medium complex app and I'm trying to use a SubVI to help improve the Main VIs readability. Currently I am trying to replace a part of the program and first makes visible two numerical controls, three boolean controls and a buton, loops until the buton is pressed (until the user enters data in the controls and presses the button), then makes these same controls invisible. The data in these controls are then used in the rest of the program. I would like to replace this structure with a single sub vi with the same controls so that it pops up, the user enters data and then closes the subvi with a button, passing the entered data to the main program. I am currently having issues because the connector pallete seems to only accept inputs (despite the word "output" frequently occuring in the help documentation). I suspect I might need indicators instead of controls to wire outputs, but this is counterintuitive, because indicators should indicate inputed data, not outputing data. And anyway, that won't help me collect data from the user. I want to avoid setting visibility and I want to avoid looping until the buton is pressed. Can anyone address this specific issue or make a better suggestion of how to implement this? -Tyler Shogren
  2. How can you switch between using DAQmx and DAQmx Base on Windows Vista. I am using an USB-6009. This KB article fails at step 6... only one driver is listed. Any suggestions appreciated.
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