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Posts posted by elpaquito3

  1. Hi!

    Thanks for the repply!!!

    First point:

    peraps it's something similar to that described in http://forums.lavag.org/COM-component-that...l&pid=29816, but I don't know how to make a library cast ???

    First I open, with Automation open, the polymorphic interface (clschargeur) and next I made a cast into cls2415 for example ????

    cls2415 is not a type cast ????

    Second point:

    My dll was build in VB6, so no header file... How can I do ????

    I'm a beginner in Labview, Any new ideas ?


  2. Help me please !!!!

    I'm trying to use a dll build with VB6.

    This dll consists on a polymorphic interface (see code in chargeur.zip, contains, the dll and samples of VB6 code)

    My VB6 project contains one file that declare the

    polymorphic interface (clsChargeur.cls) and two or more other classes that implement

    this one (cls2415.cls, cls2430.cls, ....).

    This dll works very well and is very convenient under VB6 project.

    I can chose and create the instance of the polymorphic dll using, under VB6,

    something like that:

    Select Case Version

    Case Constant.ch4850, Constant.ch4850_pcb130

    Set myCharger = New cls4850

    Exit Sub

    Case Constant.ch2415

    Set myCharger = New cls2415

    Exit Sub

    Case Constant.ch2430

    Set myCharger = New cls2430

    Exit Sub

    End Select

    Then I can access properties, methods, ... from the newly create object.

    How I can create such as object under Labview ???

    A switch case under Labview8.5 does not works.

    Each case, use automation open and return via the tunel the reference. (attached file: clsgenerator.vi)

    I have an error when I create the output tunel of the switch case:

    wire classe confilct. Any idea ???

    If I create a more simple VI, without switch case (basic.vi),

    when I try to retrieve the reference using Open Automation,

    Labview fails in unknow error.

    (I have registred my dll, regsvr32 ...).

    How I can create and use the interface I want, like in my VB6 sample ????

    Thank u very much.

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