I use the Vision Builder and convert to Labview file for use with control
servo motor. But I have some problem as shown below
1.When I finish the programm with Vision Builder I convert to Labview file
,in this state I don't found the problem
2.I cannot run Labview file because it has some problem about there are
not found some of the command such as "IMAQ create" in the Block diagram and
it is shown the "?" in the block ,then I don't sure that I'm install the programm
3.When I open Labview file again It was asked for "IMAQ image.ctl" and any
the file with type ".ctl,.ctt" I don't know where can I find?
4.When I use Labview to manage with the Image I input the command "IMAQ
Coordsys" then the programm asked for many of the "IMAQ image.ctl" too.
5.My device is :
- Camera:Busler scA640-70fm
- NI pci 6221
- NI pci 8254r
My programm is:
Labview 8.5
Vision Builder AI 3.0.1
Vision assistant 8.0
Vision aquisition 8.2.2
What Can I manage my problem?
I'm really need your help
Help me please!!!