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Posts posted by Thomas_VDB

  1. I've read this post with great interest, being a LabVIEW developer for more than 20 years (and hence 20 years to go).

    I am also worried about the furture of LabVIEW. What worries me the most, is the help that text-based languages are getting now from AI. Code reviewing and code generation are already at a significant level, and are getting better every single day.
    E.g. Github Copilot (trained on billions lines of code), is a programmers assistant that you cannot overestimate.

    I don't see such a thing coming for LabVIEW, which will rapidly make LabVIEW fall behind in comparison to other languages.

    LabVIEW is in great need of big investments/rework. As much as I disliked NXG, it was started for a valid reason. Without such investments, we keep working everyday in a development environment, who's foundations are (almost) 40 years old. 🙈

  2. Hi,

    I am porting a LabVIEW application from Windows to Linux (ubuntu).

    I haven't found any functional problems, but I can't get the front panel on the user-interface to go full screen.

    In Windows, when you set the front panel property "Window Bounds" to 1024x768, the front panel goes

    full screen, and comes in front of the windows taskbar.

    When I run the same VI in Linux, the taskbar (with the main menu) is still visible.

    Is there a way to run a VI really full screen in Linux?

    Thanks in advance,


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