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Everything posted by urh8

  1. urh8

    Did i kill it?

    I dont know what was wrong but after a few hours it was ok. Its a mystery!!
  2. Hey! My daq inputs dont show what i connect to them but 3of4 outputs work fine. i was using the output that isnt working anymore. but i only used one input but they are all gone. yesterday everything was fine and today... i was measuring my output yesterday with scope. could that have anything to do with it? Sorry to bother you with my adventures urh8
  3. Thanks for your help. I tried your sugesion and looked a bit through examples, but i still cant produce signals lower than 1V. it seems like there is a strong noise source on the output.When i watch my output in labview it looks perfect but on the osciloscope i can barely recognize the signal. Any idea?
  4. Hello! Im trying to generate sine signals up to 5000Hz and measuring them to ~0,5mV. But i have problems. Im doing this with Simulate signals box and two DAQ Assists-one for generation, one for measuring(image1). Problems: -i can "normally" measure only signals bigger than 10mV and of lower frequencies(~500Hz) -generated signals over ~1000Hz are obviously broken Configuration: -input(image2) -output(image4) -signal generation(image5) -generated and measured sig at 5000Hz(image3) I would be very thankful to anyone who could give me some advice on this matter. Have a nice day urh8
  5. Thank you for your help. But i already managed to produce signals. I havent tested it yet on outputs though. I used Simulate Signal box and conect it to DAQ Assistant which is properly set up. But my inputs still dont work like they should. they are open circuits(if that means not conected to anything). any idea??
  6. Hi there! Im new to LV and have some questions about signal generation. Im trying to generate sine on my daq6259. Frequency range should be from 50-7000Hz. Im also wondering why my input measurment of voltage doesnt show 0V. its never the same. sometimes 3V sometimes driffting slowly to -10.5. Im using LV8.20. Thank you for your help Urh8
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