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Everything posted by screw

  1. hi, i have a keithley 6221 current source and a keithley 2182A voltmeter i'm pretty novice to both measurement equipment and LabView i need to source current and measure both current and voltage on a resistor as described in the diagram attached i was told by a Keithly proffessional that the best way to do this is by triggering: namely to make the source trigger the voltmeter and vice versa until some stoppage point while looping this whole thing time after time to produce cycles how do i do this in reality with actual LabView??? i tried making a sweep followed by simultanoues reading by both instruments with a clock inside a while loop set to be the stepper (measure every 100 ms) and the stopper (40 measurements). this worked but with time inaccuracies that add up to seconds!! can you please help?! (ANY type of solution is welcomed) PS: if you want to take a look at my not-working-properly-program, i will gladly post it thnx in advance!
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