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Posts posted by CodE

  1. Copying kernel drivers to the system directory will do nothing for your target system. You also need to register such drivers at the Service Manager, in order for them to be loadable by Windows. And most likely you will also need to add additional registry values, for the Plug and Play system to associate your driver with a particular hardware resource.

    Yes, so what I was talking about is just copying these files to the system32 folder. After that, you can have asequence to register these files, and then add registry values manually if needed. The method I was trying to explain was just to overcome the error faced while copying files to sys32 folder

  2. I'm trying to build an installer for my application. Target OS is W7 64-bit even though the app is 32-bit. All is good (now!) in the build except for when it comes to trying to copy two files into c:Windows\System32\drivers. I've tried various ways to specify the destination folder but it seems that no matter which way I go, the copy function fails, and/or the build screams at me that it can't find something (via MDF). I can't find any good info -- perhaps I'm just missing it when I do my searches -- and was hoping someone here might have some good ideas....
    There is an alternate way of using zip file functions to extract files to the system32 folder. I used this method in my project some months before but it was with Win XP. You could also try that out.
  3. I am just adding to this old thread.

    I was trying to use the same type of architecture in my project, until I realized that LV is not allowing me to use notifier of Class datatype inside the Dynamic Dispatch VI. But as posted here, LabVIEW now supports recursion, so shouldn't this kind of architecture be allowed?

    By the way, I still didn't get a clear picture of why this type of architecture can't be allowed in LabVIEW.

  4. Hello all,

    I am a Certified LabVIEW Developer based in India. I have 2+ years of work experience in developing applications in LabVIEW with OOAD for modular architecture.

    About me:

    1) Veteran in NI forums (Profile name changed due to privacy)

    2) Object Oriented Design patterns for flexible design

    3) Working for some clients in UK and US

    If anyone has any LabVIEW work you need to outsource, please PM me.



  5. Thanks for the links!

    Btw I did it by using simple datasocket functions yesterday.

    The only thing I need to get done now is creation of a left to right scrolling text at the bottom of my screen, where I would be feeding NEWS updates.

    The scrolling part could be done with normal string functions, but then the scrolling effect isnt smooth.

    Is there any other way to do this?

  6. Oh, I am the first to post here on the 'NEW' LAVA smile.gif

    Hi all,

    I have COM prot selection utility done in which the Com port indicator output passes on to my program further. However, as seen in the attached file, I need to Notify user if a particular COM port is already open by using one button dialog box. In the case as shown in the screenshot, no data would be coming to the program input and also, no error would be getting popped up if the port is already in use.

    Could anyone please tell me how can I pop a message to the user if the port is already open without using any timeout logic?

    I am using VISA Configure Serial port to take the com port input from the following diagram


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