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Everything posted by RAJKU

  1. Open the Active X COM object of CCS in LabVIEW you will see all the Methods and property try to use them. ActiveX Nodes will be available in Communication Palette of labVIEW
  2. I am trying to use the NI Operator interface to Load a sequence and execute the sequence using the NI operator interface. Let me call this the sequence called in th Operator interface be Top Level sequence. This top level sequence has two sequence Calls steps each of the sequence call step calls sequence A and sequence B. Sequence A and Sequence B have two Custom Steps called "Configure". Now When I run the Top level sequence from Teststand sequence editor it executes perfectly without any issue. When I do the same thing through the Operator interface it executes the First Sequence Call A perfectly but when it comes to sequence call B it throws me a Type Conflict error saying "Could not load the sequence B because the Configure Step has a Conflict with already existing and and says the Custom Step.ini has been modified and list few keys in ini that have been changed. But I dont see such keys in the ini File. The Keys are Configure.TSsubteps.VICall.Params[0].Connectornumber Modified. Why I am not seeing this type Conflict in Sequence Editor Will the Custom Step ini gets modified while running he every instance of custom step How can we avoid this issue. Please help me this is Critical issue
  3. QUOTE (Antoine Châlons @ Mar 24 2009, 06:07 PM) Thanks for the Link it gave me a good idea and made some study about it
  4. Is my question not clear ?
  5. QUOTE (Mark Yedinak @ Mar 23 2009, 02:35 AM)
  6. QUOTE (Val Brown @ Mar 22 2009, 06:49 PM) Here is the screenshot.......Trying to get an insight of what is happening inside QUOTE (RAJKU @ Mar 22 2009, 07:29 PM) Here is the screenshot.......Trying to get an insight of what is happening inside Here the service name is same for both the instance. Dont get confused the I forcefully changed it to main application instance. But it is actually MY computer/VI Server was the service name.
  7. Here is a small utility VI which helps to log the timing (total execution time) details. This VI can handle nesting of states I had also attached an example which illustrates the usecase of the VI. Thanks Raj
  8. Can anyone explain we what is the relation between VI sever and Instance. If I open a VI in project instance and I use a property node to get the VI server port configured it shows me zero and when I do the same in Main Instance I get the port number what is configured. Can anyone explain me how are they related and why are they related. Thanks
  9. I really dont know if this is the right place to post this topic. I have few points in CLA preperation guide that are not clear. I wish it will be useful for me and also fo future CLA. The Points that I feel requires more clarity are: NI recommends to develop architecture which is state persistence and Restoration. Can you tell me what do these to mean "Develop Architecture to handle Configuration Data". Can you explain this point Design a scalable interface that can ease transition from simulation? what do they mean by Scalable interface Thanks
  10. Thanks to All. I Finally built an executable which will dynamically launch the VI in labVIEW development envi and execute the scripting part.
  11. QUOTE (crelf @ Mar 15 2009, 04:50 PM) any idea how to solve this issue. Please help me
  12. QUOTE (Ton @ Mar 16 2009, 08:15 AM) This application would return the reference of the exe but I am asking my exe to open the VI in the labVIEW application. So we cannot use this application here.
  13. Please find the attached Image of the code. This was quickly developed so forgive me if it is not as per standards. Please tell me if I am wrong at part of the code. Thanks in advance I also tried with a different Port Number also it dint work. Has anyone tried to build an exe like this before. Thanks Rajkumar B
  14. QUOTE (Justin Goeres @ Mar 14 2009, 05:35 PM) Ya you are right. But i am not trying to access a VI that is built into exe. I am trying to access a VI that has no connection with the exe. I am using Open Application refnum and then pass the refnum to open VI refnum and then trying to open the block diagram reference. This is same as opening a VI in LabVIEW right. Please correct me if I am wrong. QUOTE (Yair @ Mar 14 2009, 06:41 PM) Additionally, this won't work even if you use a VI which does have a block diagram, as the run-time engine doesn't support most (if not all) of the scripting properties and methods at all. If that is the case. I want to understand how LabVIEW Vision Assistant or Vision Builder exports the script file into labVIEW VI. I need to do something Like that. Does anyone have an Idea of how to do it. Thanks in advance
  15. Can anyone tell me if we can build a exe with Scrpiting Nodes. I tried to open a VI Block diagram reference in a exe. VI server threw me an error saying access denied. Please help me
  16. I always wondered to know if there were any method to identify which part of the code in VI Hierarchy is being currently executed by labVIEW execution. The execution status of the VI say Running for all the VIs in the Hierarchy irrespective of which part of the code is getting is executed. Is there any way ?
  17. What are the different ways one can get the indicator data of a subVI whose pront panel is not opened. Is there any workaround or other method to identify the value signalling of a particular indicator or control whose front panel is not opened. With Regards Rajkumar
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