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  1. Thank you!
  2. I had very similar problem with two cameras. I think it is the driver bug. The way we tried to go around it was to use default camera names and "attach" them to the cameras (that is, cam0 was always doing triggered acquisition, cam1 is in free run etc). Note that if you would remove one out of four cameras, the settings will become invalid as the cameras will be renamed. NI 1394 driver is not the best thing on Earth, to be honest. I think, they would rather sell you something like 1422 or at least 1409, not the driver. Michael
  3. The variants is a bit clumsy attempt by NI to introduce data type abstraction into LabView. Clumsy because the LabView design paradigm implies the data type is well defined at the point of data manipulation (there is a good article to that end in NI dev exchange). As compared to flatten/unflatten to/from string, the variant is meaningful mostly in so far as it offers in effect another way of referencing an array. And, it lacks truly universal variant type / data type conversion capability. It seems to me the simple flatten/unflatten + good old array of strings (or clusters carrying data type info in addition) can offer you better overall performance. At least you have more transparency! Michael
  4. I have never been able to squeeze all the bandwidth out of NI 1394 driver. With max capacity of 400 mbps, performance becomes intermittent as you approach ca. 300 mbps of bandwidth (driver version current as of beginning of 2004, two Sony 1394 cameras, 8 bit 1024x768, 15 fps max, used).
  5. I could not find a property inside a graph property node that would allow for the plot style change (e.g., changing from default "line" style to "point only" style). I would need to do that programmatically and not by right-clicking the plot legend. Could someone point to a way to do that? Thanks a lot, Michael
  6. Yes, you can use IMAQ 7 with LabView 6.1. HOWEVER: 1. IMAQ 7 will require new image type definition. This image def is supported only in NI-IMAQ 2.6 or higher, so you will need to upgrade the NI-IMAQ you have to 2.6 2. After installation of IMAQ 2.6, you will note that ALL your VI's with old image type require the image type upgrade. This is done semi-automatically and not very gracefully using a separate utility VI supplied by NI. Michael
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