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Posts posted by MichaDu

  1. Hi,

    I want to exchange data between a CompactRIO (stand-alone) and a PLC (S7-300 with CP343-1) via native TCP/IP sockets

    - control data: S7-Send -> cRIO-Receive

    - measurement data: cRIO-Send -> S7-Receive

    The send and receive is independent to each other and should be asynchronous.

    I don't (want to) use OPC. May be, it is also not possible due to VxWorks-OS.

    Now I have some questions concerning the programming

    1. Can I use only one socket for send/receive (either client or server)?

    If yes, should I exchange data sequently in one loop (client: send-receive or server: receive-send) or "parallel" in two loops (send and receive separately)?

    2. Is it better (or even necessary) to use two separate connections for my purpose (client-send and server-receive)?

    I'm not very familiar with S7, but I heard it is easy to project either one or two connections.

    Thanks in advance!

  2. QUOTE (Matthew Zaleski @ Mar 4 2009, 09:03 PM)

    I can't answer most of your question. But are you sure you are at your slice limit? The compiler is an incremental optimizer. Once it gets your code to fit it stops optimizing for space. A better proxy is based on how long your compiles are taking. When compile times start rising a lot for small additions to the code, then you are getting close the limit of your particular FPGA.

    I am using daq algorithms for 3 modules (32xAI,32x DI and 4xAO) in three loops. The new module is 8xAI. The compilation time is about 3 hours with about 95% slices used. Sometimes there are compile errors (timing constraints) so that I have to recompile several times.

    Before adding the 32xDI module there was only about 60% slices used so I am in doubt that there is enough space for the new module. I am also using a simple user interface in the FPGA-VI with tab containers and dialog controls to make debugging more easy.

  3. Hi,

    I'm using an FPGA-VI with high sampling rate to read samples from a module. Now I would like to install an additional module with a low sampling rate.

    What is the better solution:

    1. an additional loop with low sampling rate? The problem is that I am at the slice resource limit (about 95%) and in doubt that there is not enough space!

    2. implementing the daq routine of the slow module inside the fast loop? Does this slows down the loop (that would be bad) or are there just multiple sampling values read (that would be ok for me)?

    Looking forward for any tipps!

  4. Hi Michael,

    thanks for your help!

    That means I do not have to take care about any calibration parameters, just read out fixed-point values and work with them?

    That would make my application much easier! While I prefer working with physical integer data than fixed-point data, I programmed some module specific VIs to convert FXP-V to I16-mV and FXP-A to I16-µA. This makes it more easy again!

    Kind regards

  5. Hi,

    I'm using a cRIO system with analog input module 9205. To get correct voltage values, I have to read the calibration values. There are examples to do this only in RT VI, but not inside the FPGA VI.

    I only want to process data inside the FPGA VI without RT (reading voltage, processing and writing to AO module). Has anybody done this before? Or can I neglect the calibration without getting large error?

  6. Hi,

    I'm working with compact RIO system and looking for a hardware dongle to protect my application from beeing copied to other systems. Is there any dongle or other way available? The system has only RS232 port but no USB. The OS is VxWorks, so I guess any DLLs are not working on this system. Any idea?


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