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  1. [ Anyone else annoyed at this?] I also find this annoying and just another example of "marketing is evil"
  2. QUOTE(Jim Kring @ Mar 29 2007, 02:59 PM) I hope this isn't a 4/1 joke.
  3. We have the same problem in our company. These settings are usually controlled thru registry settings that are manipulated remotely. We wrote a some vbs code to defeat this practice. It uses the registry key: HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Control Panel\Desktop\screensaveactive",iScreenActive,"REG_SZ. Did you try this? Andrew
  4. In our group, half have received this update and half haven't. Go figure !.
  5. NI has installed a bunch (15-20) of background services on my computer (running WIN XP) that handle a range of different tasks. These services are launched at boot up and run regardless of whether I run the LV development environment or not. In addition to using up memory, these services make repeated calls to various databases and this fires off my virus protection software (MacAfee). For many reasons, I would like to turn off these services and run them only when I launch LV. Can anyone comment on whether this is a good idea or even possible. Andrew
  6. NI people at the Vision Summit mentioned improved performance and new features for Vision 8.20. They also showed other features still in development for releases after 8.20. Andrew
  7. During the Vision summit at NI Week various NI people mentioned an update to the Vision Development Package that will be released to concide with LV8.20. I'm pretty sure they said Vision 8.20 and not Vision 8.0.x or 8.1. Vision 8.0 has been out for a while (12/05). I'm not sure when the release will actually occur. It is not on the download site at present. Andrew
  8. There is an upgrade to Vision (i.e. Vision 8.20) that has been released to coincide with LV8.20
  9. Joe, Thanks for your suggestions. The steps you suggest also work for me however my problem is a little more complicated. To elaborate a little: I'm wanting to create and manipulate multiple instances of the same Xctl at run-time. I want to manipulate these Xctls by calling their internal methods (and properties) using a control references. I can instigate multiple XCtls just fine but referencing them after that hasn't been possible so far. Essentially, I need a programmatic way of "I can right-click on the XControl's terminal and select Create Reference". Also using LV 8.0.1 on Win XP. Thanks Andrew Yes.
  10. I have developed a XControl that includes several internal methods. I would like to programmatically invoke these methods from outside the XCtl but I can't find a way to programmatically obtain an appropriate XCtl reference (i.e. one that allows access to these methods). Among other things, I have tried using the OpenG VI "Open VI Object Reference" which gives the correct reference but no access to the internal methods (probably cos it doesn't recognize XCtls as an allowable vi object class). Any help or suggestions would be greatly appreciated. Andrew
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