Hi, again gurus, there is a simple exercise but I can not get the result I wanted, it is much like the dice problem, that is: with 10 possible values, generates a set of random numbers(the number of the random numbers is specified via input, say 100), and counts how many times each of the 10 values is hit.
Of course we need an array to store the hit times for each of the 10 values, maybe, if possible, we need a 2-D array to make a simple table such that we can see which number was hit how many times.
I've just been able to get the number of hit for each of the 10 values, but I don't know how to send them to array and display them in front panel as a 10-elment array. I've used the Creat Array function, but the result is not a 10-element array, but a 100-element one, and I have no idea about how to make the 2-D array mentioned above.
Can any guru help me? thanks a lot!