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  1. thanks for the help!
  2. i was just wondering. if i use while loop and i want it to stop if for example my output reaches 1111 in binary form how can i wire the red dot so this could happen? thanks! i was just wondering. if i use while loop and i want it to stop if for example my output reaches 1111 in binary form how can i wire the red dot so this could happen? thanks!
  3. alrite thx buddy would ask again if i encounter some prob!
  4. hey thanks for the reply. how about if i want the current output to be the next iteration input? and i have to do it for like 200iterations?
  5. would it be possible to show me how you do it with the loop as well? thanks!!!
  6. Hi guys, Would like to ask if i use a for loop and keep on loop for eg multiples of 8... and i want to store the outputs and display out all of them later...in what ways could i do it? thanks!
  7. erm so how do i implement the state diagram to become a working labview program? thx!
  8. thx for the reply guys. but my DAQ im actually using mccdaq instead of NI's daq thus more troublesome for me
  9. Hi guys, ive attached a flow chart of what im supposed to design with labview...im stuck at the looping part... some advise would be appreciated thx guys!
  10. Hi guys ive encountered problems storing values into an array. What Im trying to do is generate a number then store it into the array and generate another number then store this new number into the array without using the 2 for loops that was taught on labview basic manual. For eg, If im using a 1d array and it consists of 5 elements. n = 0,1,2,3,4. so how isit possible for me to store it into an array if for example ive generated a number then i need to store it into n= 0 then generate another number then store it into n = 1... ok guys i think its impossible for u to understand wad ive just asked therefore ive attached this picture...basically Ain would receive an analogue signal and the Eng unit would convert it into a numeric....and i want this to be store into n = 0 of the array because later on i would need to extract another Ain and store it n = 1...how is that possible? thanks guys.
  11. vultac


    wow. lol!! smart smart thanks!!!
  12. vultac


    Hi guys, ive been wondering if there is anywhere in labview that i could program something so that the 1st 2bits would stay constant after i apply an addition to the previous set of bits after a for loop everyttime? for eg. (starting bit) (first 2 bits doesnt change) (first 2 bit doesnt change) 00000010 -> 00000110 -> 00001110 ???
  13. vultac


    thanks mate
  14. vultac

    mccdaq! labview

    thanks guys!!
  15. vultac


    Hi guys, Could u teach me how could i connect the boolean so taht when i press the stop button it would run the program as seen on the attached image... thx!
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