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  1. Hi all Is there anyone who may help me with this problem? Thanks in advance. Thomas
  2. Hi Didier In the LV forum was a discussion about system exec. Maybe this helps you. Thomas
  3. Hi Didier No Problem. I think both of us have to give such answers as long as our brains are fresh and free of any confusing workday thoughts :laugh: . Thomas
  4. Hi I try to explain it as far as I know how to use it. 1. First you have to create a new OpenGOOP class, as you already mentioned. A dialog appears, where you have to give a name and the location for your new class (let's call it car). If you select ok, the source is being generated. 2. Browse to your class location. You have a directory with the same name as your class. Inside there are three subdirectories (Core, Datastructures and Templates). 3. To create attributes of you class (let's say length, hp, number of doors, brand, model) browse into the directory datastructures and open the file Classname Data.ctl (in this case Car Data.ctl). This file contains a structure with some controls. Change these to meet your requirements. (In this case add three numeric and two string controls). 4. The class is now defined and you may want to creat constructors and accessor-method. So now you need the templates. There are four types: Create, Destroy, Modify Data and Read Data. Open one of these, add you functionality and save them in a new directory. 5. There's maybe a broken arrow if you open one of these templates the first time. To fix this, open the vi Classname Object Data Store VI Ref Type.vi (in this case Car Object Data Store VI Ref Type.vi) which is located in the core directory. Right-click on the refnum-control, select "select vi server class >> browse". Select the vi Classname Object Data Store.vi (in this case Car Object Data Store.vi). Save this vi and there should not be any broken arrow now. I hope this helps you. Thomas
  5. Hi Jack Ok - I'll try the one with the enqueue timeout. But - I logged the queuesize and it never contained more than 4 - 5 elements and its size was not set. Could the enqueue operations without timeout still raise problems? Thomas
  6. Hi Jack Thanks for your answer. First of all - the strange behavior is occurring on a compiled application and the queue is created when the application is started and destroyed when the app is finished. A snapshot is attached in the thread in the NI-forum (see link above). As you might know it's hard to free time for troubleshooting if you have to develop new applications in time, but anyway I recently put some time in troubleshooting again and, due to an obvious time-delay, I started to measure execution time of different things. After measuring the time used to dequeue an element, I had to find that this is not the problem . Now I go on with measuring the time where I think it could cause this amount of "idle"-time. If I find out something new, I'll keep both forums (lava and NI) up to date. Thomas
  7. Hi guys I have a problem and don't know what to do. I already posted an entry in the national instruments forum. Many thanks in advance. becktho
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