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David M.

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Everything posted by David M.

  1. Thanks for your help, I'll try to initialize the feed back nodes and the shift register... but about the connector pane, may be I can't make a cluster to fix it... because I realy confuse when I make VI with cluster... Sorry, I'm a new user for Lab VIEW program... I just study it for about 1 year (from last year)... May be I really need help for study it... I'll try to make my VI better and then I'll post it here, so you can help me to check the VI again... sorry to bother you... thanks a lot...
  2. the level VI is already in the example... I make that simulation from an example in the "Industry aplication" then "Process control"... the name is "Tank Simulation.vi" I have modify the VI, include the limitter of the "on-off" control... so the simulation will only fill the tank until some state and then control the in put water until the input equal with the out put... I'm a litle confuse how to tell you about this simulation because I study this program with "trial and error" not with a book... sorry if my english doesn't good enough... thanks before...
  3. this is the VI and sub VI... Jadi.vi limitter.vi PID.vi Qin.vi Qout.vi
  4. Here is the new VI and sub VI thnx Jadi.vi Qin.vi Qout.vi PID.vi limitter.vi
  5. Sorry I don't get it... I have already set the PID for the increasing of the water tank ( as a pump), but the options is just two, if it don't go up and up, then it will never touch the set point and get stable there... I think there's something wrong in the PID or may be at the "Q in"... but I can't be sure with both of them... so confusing... I have always try to modify the variable of the PID but the result is always the same... and I tried to modify the "Q in", then it got worse and worse...
  6. And if it doesn't go up, it would never touch the set point... Until now I still don't undferstand why the curve just like that...
  7. Hai all, I got a PID example from here, and I try to apply at the water tank simulation from Lab VIEW... But the curve just go up and didn't go stable. I must press the restart button if I want to use PI control... I'll attach my VI... Please tell me where's my fault... thanks before... uji coba.vi
  8. Hai all, I make a VI from the example of water tank level... I want to make the water tank have a PID control... but the VI don't run as I wish... may be you can help me to tell me where is the error... thanks... uji coba.vi
  9. Hi all, sorry to interrupt... I read this forum and I have a problem that I think all of you can give me the answer... I have search PID example, but I can't open them because i haven't installed the toolkit... Then I search the PID toolkit, but none of them is PID toolkit but Fuzzy logic control... can you give me a link to get the right toolkit..? Sorry if my language not really good or a little rude, I'm an Indonesian... Thanks before...
  10. I used LabVIEW 5
  11. I'm a collage student that try to make a measurement for a water tank level with a pressure sensor at the bottom of the tank. the measurement is using a P, PI, PD, and PID controller. I've made the simulation, but I can't make it work for the real tank. I just make the P and PI controller, and the rest is not my work (it supposed to be my friend's). When I try the simulation mode it can work for sure, but after I try with the tank, the program is realy diferent. I must connect the true level and the pump cable with the DAQ-pad, and it needs a very diferent program. I must make a new program again with the same controller, but can't make it work. I will attach my latest LabVIEW program that I make.
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