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  1. Here is the Datasheet of the PCON controller. Perhaps I can communicate over the Modbus libraries from the Ni.com site. But how can i send the correct command to the correct address. In the Modbus libraries it is possible to send a Modbus command to the Device but i must be a cluster of more comments and I can´t finde the option to send the command as it is required in the Datasheet. regards DoubleU
  2. Hi, currently i work with a RCP2 axis from IAI. To controll it i use the PCON-SE controller. It is possible to communicate with this controller in ascii and rtu over the serial com port. The communication with the IAI Software is works fine. Now i try to write a programm with LabVIEW to communicate with the controller. It is a modbus Port so i tried the Modbus libraries from the offiziell NI.com site. There i also finde the Link to this thread. I tested to communicate with it with the ROBO.vi but it doesen´t work. I currently under time pressure with this projekt. It would be nice if you could help me to get a simple communication to make the first step and move the axis. The offcut go without saying. At least i hope so. Befor i forget to say its an projekt in the apprenticeship. I hope you can help me. regards DoubleU
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