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  1. Got it, thanks.
  2. Hey, i'm using a USB 6009 with LabView 8.5 and MAX 4.6 and the problem is this : whenever i try to aquire digital signals all of the dio channels of the board turn to 5V and stay there unless grounded. I've tested this both with MAX and LabView and measured the signals with a multimeter. Both MAX and Labview see logical 1 on these lines but only MAX sees them as 0's when i ground them. The digital output features of the daq work perfectly so i'm guessing it has something to do with configuring it, but what?. Any help would be greatly apreciated.
  3. QUOTE (Dan DeFriese @ May 27 2009, 01:59 AM) The soundcard is a really cheap one, somewhere in the 10-15$ range, i don't really understand how using a parallel port to usb would help. I'm trying to run a transistor circuit/optocoupler circuit, i've already tried everything and i think the main problem is the 6009's power output on the digital ports (on analog it controls the circuits perfectly). Problem is that i need 5 control lines out of the daq, and i only have 2, so some form of multiplexing isn't an option also.
  4. Hey, i have a couple of questions, maybe you guys can awnser them : 1. What maximum voltage should i expect out of a sound card (i'm thinking 12v depending on the wave) 2. Maximum amperage (no idea, also thinking it depends on the wave, i need a maximum of 10mA to switch three optocouplers) 3. How exactly should i generate a waveform to obtain a certain voltage? Is the amplitude of the signal the same as the voltage? Thank you in advance.
  5. QUOTE (ShaunR @ May 24 2009, 01:19 PM) Hey, just got it running, can't really tell what the problem was.At any rate, thank you for your response. Still laughing at the explanation for "crowbar", good one.
  6. QUOTE (ShaunR @ May 24 2009, 02:51 AM) I used a 0.12k and that didn't seem to do anything. I'm going to try it again for a larger value. Also, what do you mean by "crowbar"?
  7. QUOTE (PaulG. @ May 22 2009, 04:01 AM) Well, looking through the datasheet for the 4n25 i observed that all examples are given with a 10mA power source connected to the optocoupler's LED, that given, i'm thinking over 10mA is too much and under is too little. Any ideas on how much a dig output for the 6009 pulls out? From its datasheet i'm readling very small values(0.8uA)..
  8. Hey I'm trying to use a Ni USB6009 with a optocoupler (4N25). Problem is i think the normal dig outputs of the board do not provide enough power to the led inside the optocoupler. I'm thinking of using the 5v 200ma output (that seems to work) but i'm not really sure on how that should be done. Any help would be greatly apreciated.
  9. I managed to fix it. I was opening a data connection on a obviously different port for every data session instead of using only one session. Thanks a lot for the help guys. Have a good one.
  10. QUOTE (santi122 @ Apr 30 2009, 09:28 AM) Hey, sorry for the late response. Tried it your way, it's still not working. Here's how i'm doing it : Problem is that for about 3 months i worked with it this way, opening around 10 connections on 10 ports, on the same host and did not encounter this problem. Only thing i can think about now is that installing SP3 for Win XP totally ruined SOMETHING. Don't really know what. QUOTE (mesmith @ Apr 30 2009, 01:12 AM) If you're running out of ports (I'm assuming the "local port" control is unwired), then it most likely means none of your connections are getting closed properly or you're really running out of local ports. A TCP connection that reads from a port won't release its port immediately upon a close - it goes into FIN_WAIT and TIME_WAIT states to allow for packets wandering around the net and such to arrive. Opening a connection for write only allows it to release upon close (or as soon as all data is sent). So, if you're looping thru connections at fast rate, then you might actually run out before the ports before they exit the WAIT states and become available again. With that said, I can't imagine how one would run out of local ports in any kind of system - you should have at least hundreds available. Assuming you're on a windows machine, run netstat from the command window and see what ports are in use when you get this error. Mark Hi, Well, you're totally right on that one. Ports do remain in TIME_WAIT and CLOSE for about two minutes, and i think that might really be the problem. I do have thousands of ports available, however, it runs through in a matter of seconds. Using the local port parameter only results in the program running once then shutting down due to the "address in use" errorr. Like i said before, using this configuration worked perfectly before. Any ideas on how i can get windows xp to close inactive, or better yet, ports in time_wait faster?
  11. Hi, my problem is this. The vi tcp open connection keep opening connections on all the ports, incrementing the port with every run of the loop it's in, until it runs out of ports and claims that the "network adress is currently in use". I've used this vi, and it's "family" for some time, in the same configuration, and this problem never occured before. Any suggestions would be greatly apreciated.
  12. Fixed : i was using snap instead of grab.
  13. Hey, i'm obviously trying to acquire images with a usb camera. Using LV8.5. Vision 8.5 and the usb drivers installed. My program is supposed to take pictures continously with the camera and dump testX.jpg in a folder, where X is the number of the picture taken. Problem is it only works for 1 in 100 or 200 or 300 pictures (i can't seem to get a pattern, it's a random thing). I only get one valid image, the rest are black. I think it has to do with synchronising the camera with the vi. Any ideas? Thanks in advance.
  14. QUOTE (Mark Yedinak @ Mar 4 2009, 05:44 PM) Ok, thanks a lot, i'll try that one too.
  15. QUOTE (Phillip Brooks @ Mar 4 2009, 04:10 PM) It has to do with calculating the delay between two computers, i'm trying to do it using the delay from ping. -t is indeed a windows specific command, it pings the host until stopped.Thanx guys, i'll try it and get back to you. I'm not tring to flood anyone so relax. QUOTE (Antoine Châlons @ Mar 4 2009, 02:37 PM) Well, the SystemExec.vi has a input parameter "wait until completion? (T)" just set it to False and that should be fine. Tried that, didn't seem to work, i guess i'll have to stick to using -n and a loop, although i get a lot of overhead because of this(this is part of a much larger program)
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