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Everything posted by nxt2codes

  1. Thanks for the reply, Actually the objective is to design a Single LabVIEW based Application Program which can combine the data from INCA and also one NI bases DataLogger is supposed to be controlled in such a way that the Time Stamp for NI acquired data matches with the INCA Data. Since the customer is already having ETAS Hardware and INCA 4.0/4.1 we are supposed to work with this version of INCA only. The Project is still under study phase and I am yet to be exposed to real INCA Software and its functionality. Will share if there is any progress....
  2. Have I posted my query at the right place ??
  3. Hi Comm Members, I have a requirement of establishing a communication between INCA 4.0/4.1 Software (from ETAS) and LabVIEW (both running on same System). Can somebody throw light or share any useful bit of LabVIEW code. Thanks in advance, Regards Saurabh
  4. Hi Comm Members, I have a requirement of establishing a communication between INCA 4.0/4.1 Software (from ETAS) and LabVIEW (both running on same System). Can somebody throw light or share any useful bit of LabVIEW code. Thanks in advance, Regards Saurabh
  5. Friends I am getting Vibration Data through accelerometer in terms of 'g'. the requirement is like I should diplay the acceleration in mm/s^2, Velocity in mm/Sec and displacement in mm. Another thing is I have an Acoustic Data which is in terms of Pa. I need to show it in decibels. Though I have tried with single and double integration of vibration data with SVL Integration.vi but am nt sure wether the readings will simply be transformed to mm/sec jus by selecting the unit in the input terminal. do i need to change the original Data or do some mathematics? waitin 4 ur replies... Thanks
  6. Thanks anyways... M thinking of trying it with multiple 'Add Object' vi in concatenated way... will try it .... Thanks for your support...
  7. Boss m again having a problem...this doesnt solve the problem completely... this method just allows to add one Word sheet to the current report... Only the first page of the supplementry report is being attached at the edn of the main report.. Can u please check this out...i tried my way bt cudnt resolve.. Thanks in Advance....
  8. Thanks a lot Buddy... i didnt expect it to be that Simple... Thanks!
  9. Dear friends, I have a requirement like, I have two different word sheets, i want to merge Those two word reports together to make single word report Using Labview 8.6 Report generation Toolkit. To make it more Clear Suppose i have two Word Documents consisting of 2 and 7 Pages. I want to Merge these two documents to get a single 9 Pages' Word Document by Labview. Please help me out! Your Support is highly Appreciated...
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