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Posts posted by TomasAa

  1. Hello everyone,

    I'm trying to change the machine access list for a VI-server in run (programmatically). I can add clients in run without any problems, but i cant remove clients without restarting the TCP-listener witch would cause all clients connected to get a timeout. Anyone know a way around this?

    LabVIEW 8.6 (windows and linux)



  2. Hello all,

    I'm experiencing some trouble with overwriting a shared variable after giving it new attributes.

    I'm using the SharedVariablesToLib.VI to overwrite just one variable, the problem here is the time. When I have 19 variables deployed in the library the VI use 453 ms, with 103 variables it use 1640 ms and with 711 variables it use 54 094 ms.

    Have anyone encountered this before or know about a way to avoid this?

    LabVIEW 8.6 and DSC 8.6



  3. Hi Nancy, thanks for your respond.

    Yeah, it seems that few or non have experienced this before and its really annoying, especially since this is a supervision project. So, I'm programming on a desktop with labview 8.6, the variables are hosted on a Schneider OPC server witch are hooked up with a simulator/testbench.

    Firstly the OPC-groups and the variables are defined in a spreadsheet. The variables are also given different attributes like alarming levels, start level etc. Then the spreadsheet are run trough a instance generator which result in a txt file. The txt file are imported in a "config vi" wich gives the variables the different attributes and then creates and deploy them programatically.

    Secondly, when i look at the event viewer after the SVE crashes I see these errors:

    - Service control manager (The National Instruments Variable Engine service terminated unexpectedly).

    - DCOM (DCOM got error "General access denied error " from the computer abpc10858 when attempting to activate the server:{13486D51-4821-11D2-A494-3CB306C10000}).

    In that order.

    When the variable engine service crashes it doesent respond to anything, I cant stop or restart it and it doesnt help to reboot the computer. When I encountered this the first time I tried to google the problem, without results. And since I'm a beginner conserning SVE and windows servicesI just desided to reinstall labview + DSC. When i launched the DSM I didnt see anything out of the normal (probably because I dont know what to look for).

    edit start: You can drag and drop Xcontrol widgets to the frontpanel. These widgets, when placed on the frontpanel, get a reference to their respective variables through a initiate VI. The crash have occured when I have undeployed and deleted the variables, and then generated and deployed the variables again without deleting and reinserting the widgets. So it is a posibillity that the SVE crashes because of an inconsistency between references (just an idea). edit finished

    Thanks for the tip, the 7th may meeting sounds interesting.


  4. Okey, I'm using LabVIEW 8.6 with the DSC-module (also 8.6).

    I'm working on a project that are making use of a large amount of shared variables which are connected to a remote OPC server. My problem is that the NI variable engine service is crashing, lets say 2 times a week. It seems that it crashes right after i deploy the variables and it does'nt matter if i deploy just 1 variable or 100 variables. After the service crashes it seems that the only way to fiks it is to reinstall labview and DSC. Has anyone encountered this problem before, and is there a way to go around it?


    Tomas Aasgard

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