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  1. robijn, thanks for your advice, but it seems, that I have no choice. I have to use SPI, because I use evaluation board. You have written, that you have programmed SPI. Did you do this in LabVIEW ? Could you give me an example ? I will be very thankful. Regards, kazek
  2. Hi, Im trying to use FTDI2232 as a USB<->SPI converter. There is only USB<->RS232 example on the FTDI website. I saw this example and I understand, how to use LabVIEW to use FTDI2232 to USB/RS232 conversion. For me the problem is how to make USB<->SPI conversion. Because SPI is a synchronous transmission, it involves MPSSE processor – for me it is the point, where problem starts. For synchronous interfaces, like SPI, additional commands are required. I have downloaded AN2232C-01_MPSSE_Cmnd.pdf document, but I could not cope with this yet. So I would like to ask you for a LabVIEW example, but for SPI. I have to mention, that I saw also examples for USB<->SPI conversion in C++, but I would like to treat them as my sheet anchor. Does anyone possess simple write/read example (loopback) ? Any guidance would be appreciated. Thank you kazek
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