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  1. Sorry its a PCI-6110!
  2. 1) I'm using NI-DAQ legacy, the Trad DAQ due to the antiquated sub-VI's in the VI of interest. 2) I'm using a PCI-6011 to log from a BNC 2090. 3) The Test Panels read perfectly... maybe even TOO perfectly. 4) What's a DAQmx task? 5) No error; but no viable data either. 6) I haven't tried plugging in the breakout device into the other PCI card only because I don't think the pins line up. 7) Thank you! ~AA
  3. Hey all, I'm still kinda new at LV and trying to get a VI to work that I think I understand. I've got this VI that reads the analog inputs from a device which is seen by NI DAQ MAX 3.0.1. I want to use the same VI to read the analog inputs from a device which is seen by NI DAQ MAX 4.2.1. However instead of reading the voltages (which the test panels see!) I get nothing. I think the device number is correct (although I'm not sure what the number in the parenthesis means, I assume its the default channel?) It seems like it should be so simple... but I can't get it to work. Does it matter which breakout devices I'm using?? Thanks all, I look forward to having tougher questions in the future as my understanding grows, Adam
  4. Hey all, Minor problem. Our ancient hard-drive crashed and lost the VI we use to operate a TI bnc box. Not a big deal because we have an old version of the VI saved which I can update to work properly. My problem is some of the subVI's, which I think are standard?, can't be located by the program. Things like AI Channel Output.vi and the such. Is there an updated set of VIs I can use? Does that sound like a custom subVI? Thanks a lot guys, Adam
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