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Everything posted by c_w_k

  1. Rolf, I was able to get your way to work so I'm sticking with that until I learn LabVIEW a little more. On the byte swap and word swap I noticed that I neede to use a byte swap and a word swap with long data types but only needed a byte swap with the short data types......I'm a little confused on that since the byte swaps move 8 bytes and the word swaps move 16 bytes..... I've moved on to my next function in the dll and low and behold this one has a parameter for a struct.......and in this struct are two more structs :| but if I can figure out where to use the swap bytes and swap words I should be in good shape. For the struct that contains a struct I plan on simply creating a byte array that big enough and then sub-arraying the returned values. Thanks Chad
  2. Hi Rolf, Sorry for the delay in communication...i was put on a different project for a few weeks, but now i'm back. I tried sending the array to the call function as an array of bytes and then typecasting and doing the Swap Bytes like you mentioned.......so far its working like a charm! Thank you very much Chad
  3. hello, I'm wondering how I would send an array of clusters to my dll. What I'm wanting to do is to create an array of clusters based on the count of "boards" that are found, so if 2 boards are found, an array of 2 elements will be created.....with the elements being LabVIEW clusters. Getting the board count is no problem, but when I try to get the information from the boards by sending my array of clusters to the dll I'm hitting a brick wall. Here is what the dll function call looks like: extern "C" short CCONV acq_board_info(short cnt, MyStruct_info *info); Here is what MyStruct looks like: struct MyStruct_board_info { char name[32] short var1 short var2 short var3 short var4 short var5 char var6 char var7 long var8 long var9 long var10 long var11 char var12 char pad[3] }; If anyone can point me in the right direction I would greatly appreciate it...also if there is any information that would help out, please ask and i will do my best to provide it. By the way.....I'm using LabVIEW 8.6 Thanks CK
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