Hello everybody,
I was wondering of anyone could indicate me where can I find some help about building a VISA driver other than:
Developing LabVIEW Plug and Play Instrument Drivers
which I'm currently going through.
I'm working on this for a university project and a external company.
I have a satellite dish controller from 1991 which I have to control it using RS-423 going over a terminal server.
(No driver of any kind, it has been ordered specifically for the company)
I have already been working on some project using TCP/IP and serial communication but I struggle to understand VISA.
So far I have been able to define all the messages needed to send and receive from the controller manual but all of these are made for RS-423.
I heard that RS-423 is similar to RS-432 so I could probably use the serial read/write function.
Is there any tutorial about VISA drivers?
I don't know if I should manage all the communications using TCP/IP or make a VISA driver.
I think using VISA could be a nicer solution but I'm new at building drivers.