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    LabVIEW 8.6
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  1. Hello. I am building a tension stage with a geckodrive (http://www.geckodrive.com/product.aspx?c=3&i=14460) with a 4-wire lead stepper motor. I have the wire connected to the drive and the drive to the DAQ. My threaded rod has 1/13" pitch. I am using the NI USB-6009 (no counter) DAQ Drive is hooked up to digital input from DAQ. First things first, let it be known. I am a newbie to Labview...I am a bioengineer that is working on a tension and compression device that I could test tissue scaffolds. This data will be used in my thesis so I am hoping to get this program running as fast as I can. Question: 1. What is the best approach to programming and controlling this stepper motor? I am hoping I do not have to re-invent the wheel and could get it off of examples. b. How would I vary speed of the motor as well as steps? I want this to run continuously at the set step/speed until i define stop parameters. c. How do I set pulses for speed/rate? I am using my DAQmax to program the DAQ. 2. Once I get this to program...can I use it as a sub-vi in the main VI? b. I want the user to be able to define inputs (sample data and motor controls (speed, direction, stopping parameter)) then be able to start the program and have it run and collect data. I am guessing I will use Case Structure or Event Structure to do this??? I guess that is a good start for this. Thanks much everyone. Any help would be awesome. J Once I get something going I will keep everyone posted on the result.
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