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    LabVIEW 8.2
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  1. Ammar

    help meeeee

    hi frank simply my time scale in graph is fixed for example today is ( 3-12-2009 ) and time 1:34am if i press to 1day the scale will be 24 huors it will be (4-12-2009) at 1:43 i want to display scale just to the end of this day what i mean is ((3-12-2009) and the time is 11:59pm) and same for the month and year scale thanx for all
  2. Ammar

    help meeeee

    any idea plzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz
  3. hi guys according to Previous topic "Displaying multiple days worth of data" i have try to modify it but i stil new in Lab view so nothing done with me . 1-i have problem in scal i can not make it change automaticly it is fixed i want it if we are in (21-11-2009) and i start to display the reading today the scale will be 30 days i need to display the scal just to the end of this month because the not all the month is 30 days so can we make it dsplay the graph acorrding to the moth and same for the day and year ? 2- if i want to take avrage of each day and polt it im the month garph it is possible to do that for this programe ? 3- at the end of the hour ,day or month the graph stop and not restart again i make one evet more name clear when i press it the all graph cleared but i need to make it automaticly for each graph if any one has idea plz help i attached the file thanx for lava 22.vi
  4. thanxxxxxx alot guys i will try to modify it thanx Ammar
  5. thanx alot but there is one problem i am using labview 8.2 and the attachment saving in 8.5 could u plz reupload in 8.2 version
  6. thanx alot i will try ur advice but i can't achive "comper with real time " in case structures if anyone have example uploaded plz Ammar
  7. hi thanx alot i am work on project and now i am try the example in labview i am stil new can u see plz attachment until now i didn't reach my gole i have one idea for printing report but i do not know if i can do it that comper real time with the loop when the day finsh enable "printing report " but for displaying waveform any one have idea? help me Ammar 1st try .vi
  8. any idea ??? help me
  9. Hi all I have problem in this things if any one can help me I have system measure data (i.e pressure )for long time Can I draw 3 wave form one display day value under graph post date as (dd-mm-yyyy) next day draw anew graph And after that we take the mean of each day and put it month waveform under graph post date as (mm-yyyy) and same in year Second if I can do that in table form Last think if I can print front panel automatic at the end of day Thanx for all
  10. hi i try your program but it does not work i do not know why plz can you add your program to my attached file mey be i made some mistake in some where thanx for helping me Ammar
  11. thanx alot i will try it Ammar
  12. does any one know how to divide long measurment excel file in day by day i have program but the all daye write in one file i need to make it in Separate file and each file take new name for example (d13m5y2009)i mean the real date plz hlpe me thanx
  13. hi does any one know how to divide long measurment excel file in day by day i have program but the all daye write in one file i need to make it in Separate file and each file take new name for example (d13m5y2009)i mean the real date plz hlpe me thanx see Attached file my project project .vi
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