hi guys
according to Previous topic "Displaying multiple days worth of data"
i have try to modify it but i stil new in Lab view so nothing done with me .
1-i have problem in scal i can not make it change automaticly it is fixed
i want it if we are in (21-11-2009) and i start to display the reading today the scale will be 30 days
i need to display the scal just to the end of this month because the not all the month is 30 days
so can we make it dsplay the graph acorrding to the moth and same for the day and year ?
2- if i want to take avrage of each day and polt it im the month garph it is possible to do that for this programe ?
3- at the end of the hour ,day or month the graph stop and not restart again i make one evet more name clear when i press it the all graph cleared
but i need to make it automaticly for each graph
if any one has idea
plz help
i attached the file
thanx for lava