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Everything posted by Robby

  1. hi, CK I you could use the Event structure to complete it 1. create event structure and add event case for Start Control 2. place your VI on this case and select "run when opened" 3 you could also set you sub vi as a dialog that is it Robby
  2. Thank U verymuch
  3. I have create many custom probes by myself, when I debug the program I can not select the right custom probe. when you right click mouse you could select custom probe two items "1 new;2 controls". I can not find the right probe that I need. would you tell me why, thanks! Robby
  4. Thanks! It is cool.
  5. Saara: I think you need these steps to complete it. 1. right click express VI 2. select "open front panel" 3.push the dialog "Convert" 4.now , you could read the source code and configure any item that you want
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