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Posts posted by Question1

  1. Thank you so much! This looks perfect. I'll test it out and let you know. Quick question. When I open the vi it states that the invoke node has a unwired/bad connection (The document open).

    For some reason I keep getting the error code Error -2146823101 occurred at Exception occured in Microsoft Word: Word cannot insert a file into itself.

    EDIT: Nevermind, the above occurs when you try to put the same document into itself.

    EDIT2: Works PERFECTLY! Thank you so much!

  2. I don't know either what Add Object in a concatenated way means or how it would be implemented.

    I had a bit of a play and found a few things which should push you in the right direction. I don't think Add Object is going to be the way to go with this, I found that if you perform Insert -> Object from Word then you get the same result, just a single page. However if you do Insert -> File then you get what you want. So this then suggests the method that you need to implement. If you look inside Word Insert Object.vi then you see Method "AddOLEObject"

    A path to investigate would be from the Document Ref get the Content Ref. On the Content Ref perform method "InsertFile"

    I had a quick play with some partial success, but more tinker time was needed.

    SciWare, that looks indredibly promising. I just have a few questions regarding that method though. With the method "InsertFile", would you send the report you want appended into the Attachment of the InsertFile node? When I used the "Attachment" parameter, the output data was jumbled. I'm not sure if I mentioned this before, but the saved documents I'm trying to append to also has images and tables (not just text).

  3. Just as an update: I can finally open a previously saved document into my program, but can't seem to get it to append to anything (not sure how this is done). I can't use the "append report" vi's because the prior documents are not just text (they have graphs and tables).

    I don't have access to LabView currently or I would attach what I have. Any suggestions on how to append multi-page reports to eachother would be much appreciated.

    I have tried using Word Insert Object VI, but it seems as though it is appended as an object and only the first page of a report is appended.

  4. I am currently having problems opening a Microsoft Word document in LabView. I currently have "lab reports" on my computer that were created from a different LV program. I want to open these Word documents in Labview and "resume" these documents by appending a new report to them.

    I haven't started programming the rest of the project, as I am currently stuck on how to open a microsoft word document in Labview to alter.

    Any help would be appreciated!

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