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Posts posted by skytalker

  1. I think your "Writing VI" to the database also assumes that some data should be returned, i.e. that you ran a SELECT Statement.

    Make sure you have the option set to not assume a response.



    I also found another error in this following message ...

    " Exception occured in ADODB.Recordset: Operation is not allowed when the object is closed.Help Path is C:\WINDOWS\HELP\ADO270.CHM and context 1240653 in Verified_ver01.vi"

    This is occured when i used Update command.


  2. Hi ,

    Does anyone of you have the experience when doing some operation with the database ?

    I have an error occurs when I tried to insert oe delete the records in MS access. The error is show in this following ....


    Exception occured in ADODB.Recordset: Operation is not allowed when the object is closed.

    Help Path is C:\WINDOWS\HELP\ADO270.CHM and context 1240653 in Verified_ver01.vi "

    However, the new data is inserted or deleted to the database, but the above error is also consistantly show.

    This error is NOT occur if I use the query command such as " Select * from XXxxxx " , but it does occur for the Insert or Delete command.

    If you have an experience or idea to fix this problem, please advise me.

    Thank you.


  3. Hi all ,

    I have installed the LabVIEW 8.6 and IMAQ Vision 7.1, the installations of both were fine. I can use the Vision assistance normally, but for the LabVIEW it has a problem. In the diagram, I can not find ant module in the item of Vision amd Motion. Is there any thing wrong that need to be fixed ? Can anyone has the experience in this problem ?

    Thanks in advance.

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