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Everything posted by baturin

  1. I like this tool I have made some small modification to it. Now dirs of vis can be recolored (and with recursive also). Modification require openg file tools. I attach the file to message. Hope this will usefull to someone
  2. Hi! I have noticed accidentally the following dir: c:\Program Files\National Instruments\LabVIEW 7.1\resource\PlugInControls\ It contains the dll and some additional files with IMAQ image control. Does it means that it is possible to create a custom control? Of course, if NI does't publish api and some docs on it, this will be impossible, I think Best regard, Ivan
  3. I think this should be pico (1e-12)...
  4. In this context using the PropertyNode->Value(signalling) will trigger ValueChange event for that control.
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