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Everything posted by ano

  1. Hi Hooovahh, I did not notice at first that that you now say. You are right I get the errors too, when I change the root path. The vi is not mine, Dirk uploaded it kindly (and actually saved my day) and I just extended it a bit so to say, that is why I do not have straight solution or answer to this bug. I will see if I can do smth. Thanks for the feedback.
  2. Wow ..... interesting!!
  3. version for LabView 8.20 .. BrowseForFolderG_LV8.20.vi
  4. Hm strange ms says " Note When using Microsoft Windows 2000 or later, use CoTaskMemFree rather than ILFree. ITEMIDLIST structures are always allocated with the Component Object Model (COM) task allocator on those platforms.", but CoTaskMemFree is also not in shell32.dll. P.S. Ok again too fast. CoTaskMemFree is in ole32.dll ..
  5. Many thanks Dirk, really appreciate. It is really nice solution with these two functions void MoveBlock(const CStr src, long dst, long size); and long AZNewPtr(long size);. My installation of LabView 8.20 on windows 2000 did not find the void ILFree(long PointerToIDList); function, but i just deleted it and it works perfectly. It may not clean the allocated space at the moment, but hey assuming it runs on a windows os the pc is restarted from time to time : ). About the upgrade, I am programming in one company and because the upgrade costs money they ask me "Ok is it working with the version that we have?" and I say "Yes it is." and they "Then why should we upgrade?". And I know all the advantages, bug fixes, new functions .. but go explain.
  6. Hi I can not open the file, because I am using LV 8.20 and it says it is for 8.5. Can you compile it for 8.20? P.S: I am installing now cygwin and mingw and I will try to write the wrapper dll. I found the "Call DLL.vi" example where it is shown how the function in the dll should look like. If I succeed I will post the result here. Cheers Ano
  7. Thanks again for the great advice. I see what you mean now. I will have to search some info, about the wrapper dll, I presume that google is my friend . Then I will see what I can do. Any hints would be greatly appreciated. Cheers
  8. Many thanks for the fast reply first. I know some c and all the datatypes. I have actually written a c structure in labview, that expects a character array (but not const pointer to char array). As far as I know a string is just a character array and a character is uint8 (unsigned int 8 bit) that represents an ascii number from the ascii table. So as I mentioned in my first post i tried to get the file dialog using a cluster with unit8 elements, but instead of normal text I still get some random characters as you can see on the pic in first post. I will attach these example too, so you can see yourself. Here http://msdn.microsof.../bb773205(en-us,VS.85).aspx the lpszTitle is defined as . So here lpszTitle is dclared as LPCTSTR and LPCTSTR is "A 32-bit pointer to a null-terminated string of 8-bit Windows (ANSI) characters." from http://msdn.microsof...y/aa505945.aspx. So do I need a pointer to charachter array (const char*) and how do I do this. I tried with references to uint8[] and to a cluster, but it fails too. Browse_Folders_003.vi Browse_Folders_004.vi
  9. Hi there, I am trying to make the Browse.vi (http://forums.ni.com/ni/board/message?board.id=170&thread.id=15938&view=by_date_ascending&page=1) working. There is such a thread in this forum too (), that is why I am posting here (In LAVA Lounge). Although it is good explain and the vi works, it lacks the example where one can use custom file dialog. I am using Windows 2000 and Labview 8.20. I tried to change lpszTitle as string, as uint8, as cluster of uint8 ... still the file dialog is not displayed properly. Do you have any idea why or some solution that one can browse only folders in a popup window? Browse_Folders_002.vi
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